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How to clean a full french lace toupee hair system

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Cleaning a full french lace toupee doesn't need to be a slow or messy process. Read on to find out how.

For men who wear hair systems, maintaining the appearance and quality of the toupee is crucial. Full French lace hair systems are a popular choice for men due to their comfort and realism, but their delicate nature means that they require extra care when it comes to cleaning. In this article, we will discuss how to efficiently and safely clean a full French lace men's toupee.

Step 1: Remove the System

Begin by spraying the removal solution on the top of the toupee. This will break the bonds on the toupee side, leaving the tape on your scalp instead of the toupee when you remove it. Carefully remove the system, taking care not to damage the delicate lace base. If you find it difficult to remove the system, spray more removal solution and wait for 30 seconds before trying to pull again. Do not forcefully pull the toupee as this can lead to stretching or damage of the base.

Step 2: Soak the Toupee

Once you have removed the toupee, soak it in a mixture of hair removal solution and water for about 15-20 minutes. This will help to dissolve any adhesive residue on the base of the toupee.

Step 3: Remove Tape and Glue Residue from Scalp

While the toupee is soaking, remove any tape and glue residue from your scalp. Use a cloth or kitchen towel soaked in hair removal solution to gently rub away any residue. Take note not to scratch your scalp excessively. Scratching will only cause it to itch more and can cause damage to your scalp. Instead of scratching, consider tapping the itchy area lightly.

Step 4: Gently Remove Residue from the Toupee

After soaking the toupee, remove it from the solution. You may be able to see where there is remaining glue residue on the base. Remove the glue residue by gently dabbing or pinching the area with a piece of cloth (spraying some removal solution on the cloth will make this easier). Avoid rubbing the base like how you would for PU systems, as this can damage the knots tying the hair to the lace.

Tip: Avoid using cotton balls or tissue to wipe the lace base, as these materials break easily and will get trapped in the pores of the lace system. Avoid using brushes too as it can damage the lace base.

Step 5: Shampoo the Toupee

Once the base is clear of glue residue, shampoo the base and hair of the toupee to wash off the removal solution. Take note to shampoo the hair following the direction of the hair. Do not rub the hair in all directions as that will cause the hair to tangle.

Step 6: Apply Conditioner

Apply a small amount of conditioner to the hair by brushing the conditioner throughout the toupee with your fingers. Leave the conditioner on for a few minutes to allow it to penetrate the hair fibers. This will help to keep the hair soft and silky.

Step 7: Rinse and Dry

Rinse the toupee thoroughly with cool water to remove all of the conditioner. Towel dry the hair slightly and then blow dry the toupee using cool air. Do not rub or twist the hair, and avoid using high heat, as this can tangle or damage the hair.

These steps will allow you to efficiently and safely clean your hair system while avoiding hair tangling and base damage. Remember to always be gentle and patient, as this will help to ensure the longevity of your hair system. It's always best to err on the side of caution and be extra gentle to avoid damaging your hair system.

For more useful tips on maintaining and styling men's hair systems, be sure to follow Regario.

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